Waiting for Spring to arrive in Minnesota. It’s been bleak here on the tundra. No snow, endless landscape in shades of grey and brown.
sketching my current view on small paper samples from Legion Paper in NY
Wistfully remembering my month in Hawaii, on the Big Island with Zoe. Wondering if I should work my sketches into larger paintings. I was so all over the place, people, landscape, flowers…my new friends; Ugly Pig and Gimpy Chicken. And the colors are so different than I am use to seeing.
Churches are not this color in Minneapolis!
I do love these fields of green. Site of ancient taro fields, North Kohala.
Zoe sleeping on the beach
flowers from the Waimea farmer’s market
hills of Waimea
Ugly Pig and his best friend Gimpy Chicken. This 8 year old arthritic chicken flew the coup. Ran off to the pig pen where this “tamed” wild pig lives. They live together like a crabby old married couple.