Creative Director Jen Sheeler from FAME does it again. Another lovely invite for the worthy cause of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Here’s what the agency had to say about the project for their recognition in GRAPHIS 2018 :
It can be tough to convince the black-tie crowd to get spiffy again right after the holidays. Apparently many of them suffer from ‘event fatigue’ so it’s critical to convince them that your event is worthy. So when Fame client St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital partnered with the Golden Globes for a private screening gala in multiple markets, Fame romanced the fun of getting gussied up and going out to see the stars claim their hard-won prizes. (All to benefit the kids and families of St. Jude.) Original fashion-sketch-style illustrations were donated by a local artist, and the vibrant red truly broke through in both traditional and digital channels.
“Local artist” would be moi. : )